Terms & Conditions

Your utilization of mytripcancellation·com and engagement with our services constitutes a formal agreement with our website upon accessing any flight or additional services·

To ensure a fair and orderly experience for all users, we have established specific terms and conditions governing activities on our website· The following terms delineate your responsibilities and limitations while utilizing our services· If you do not consent to these terms, we kindly ask you to refrain from accessing our site·

Usage of mytripcancellation Website

Access to mytripcancellation·com is contingent upon your acceptance of the terms set forth by the company· No registration is required to access information, services, and products available on our website· Additionally, please ensure that your online activities do not disrupt the functionality of our website·


In the context of these Terms and Conditions, references to “We,” “Us,” “Our,” and “Ours” solely pertain to mytripcancellation website and its affiliated team· Conversely, “Your,” “Yours,” “You,” or “Customer” refers to individuals utilizing mytripcancellation for purposes such as obtaining information, booking flights, or any related activities·

General Guidelines

Airfares displayed on our website are subject to our terms, travel regulations, and carrier restrictions· mytripcancellation and affiliated airlines reserve the right to alter flight schedules and routes as necessary· Our team provides clients with detailed information regarding flight prices and special features·

Prohibited Practices

Customers adhering to our terms and conditions may not purchase tickets containing various travel segments that they do not intend to utilize, including hidden destinations or back-to-back tickets, as restricted by certain airlines·

Cancellation and Refund Policies

Customers seeking cancellations and refunds are entitled to a full refund in accordance with airline policies· If a ticket is canceled within 24 hours prior to departure, customers are eligible for a refund of the flight services and ticket fees·


mytripcancellation does not tolerate abuse or defamation· Users are advised against posting inappropriate content on our website· We encourage users to share positive experiences while ensuring that their actions do not interfere with our business operations·

User Privacy

Protecting user privacy is a priority for mytripcancellation· Users are encouraged to employ appropriate technical measures to safeguard their information while browsing our website·

Links to Third-Party Websites

Our website contains links to third-party websites for informational purposes only· mytripcancellation does not endorse or promote any specific third-party websites· Users are advised to review the terms of use of these websites before accessing them·

Trademarks and Copyrights

mytripcancellation invests significant resources in maintaining its brand and website· Unauthorized use or duplication of our content for personal gain is strictly prohibited· Trademarks and copyrights protect all elements of the mytripcancellation website·

Piracy or Copyright Violations

If you believe that your copyrighted content has been copied or reproduced without authorization, please contact us via email with the required details· We take copyright infringement seriously and will promptly address any legitimate claims·

mytripcancellation remains committed to providing travelers and customers with comprehensive information and services· If you have any grievances or inquiries, please contact our customer service office·


By using our services or any other services we provide, you acknowledge that you have read these Terms of Service and agree to comply with them·

Contact Us

For feedback, comments, or technical assistance requests, please email us at mytripcancellation.com·

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